Teacher Survival

How to beat “The Back to School Blues.”

By. Meredith Biesinger 

Let’s talk about something that often gets hushed or rarely discussed. I like to call this “something “the back-to-school blues.” It’s mid-July, and chances are you are preparing to head back to school in a few weeks. 

On Sunday evenings, many children get the “Monday blues,” meaning they’re not ready to go back to school the next day, and the thought of it makes them sad. Adults feel that way too, and teachers are no exception. 

Nobody wants to talk about how they’re not ready to go back to school because it’s often perceived that you might not like your job or your students, and that’s just not true. Teaching is an “all-in” profession, and when you get a break from it, it takes a little time to get back into the groove of all the demands and routines needed to ensure a successful school year for your students and yourself. This is true for new teachers and veteran teachers alike. 

How can you beat the back-to-school blues while enjoying what’s left of your summer break?

Watch feel-good teacher movies-you know the ones I’m talking about! These inspirational feel-good movies can get you pumped up and remind you why you teach. I love this idea because it’s summer-mode friendly and puts me in a positive headspace for the upcoming school year.

2. Connect with a teacher friend. It’s easy to connect with our teacher friends during the school year. However, if you get a chance to connect with a teacher friend before school starts, do it! Go for a walk together, or grab a coffee and talk about your profession. It’s healthy for both of you to do this! 

3. Brainstorm your classroom décor – If aesthetics is important to you, then the look and feel of your classroom can be a source of joy for you and your students! If classroom décor is your thing, brainstorming for a classroom can build excitement for the school year to come. If it’s not, that’s ok too! 

4. Read a motivational book for teachers – an outstanding professional development book can be an excellent motivator for the back-to-school season.

5. Plan a first day that excites YOU! Plan your introductions, your activities, and even your outfit! Your mindset will switch from overwhelmed and anxious to prepared and excited! Set aside some time to plan out your first day of school. Beat the back-to-school blues by finding everything you need at Educator Marketplace.

Debbie Howser

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