By. Teresa Marchant

I’m excited to start this new school year, it’s like a blank canvas! There are a world of possibilities for the students I teach. It is important for me to maintain excitement for the entire school year. But how is this even possible?

This morning during my yoga practice, I was reminded of the importance of balance and flexibility. I then realized that this focus can help me avoid burnout, yet provide me with growth opportunities in my professional life,too.

Balance-I want to make sure that I use my time wisely and productively. Working smarter, not harder with resources like Scholastic Teacher Store and Carson Dellosa will help me save precious time. This doesn’t mean I am out the door two seconds after the bell! There are days that I stay late because I just have last minute things to do or meetings to attend. I am learning to realize I am more than my job. Leaving “things at school” is essential for my mental health and the well being of my family.

Flexibility- Being able to adapt to change has proved to be invaluable these last few years.  Teaching is not for the faint of heart. For some, the amount of stress over drastic changes has been difficult for them personally and professionally. Being open to new ideas shows adaptability in the workplace.  Consider sharing your ideas on the Teachers’ Lounge facebook group. These two areas require practice. When I started my daily yoga ritual 8 months ago, I could barely touch my toes. Now I can comfortably touch the floor.  That’s progress! Making a conscious daily effort has made all the difference. Some days are better than others when it comes to balance. I sometimes need the support of the wall, just as I need the support of my colleagues. However, being flexible and open to ideas will help me to maintain balance in all aspects of my life.

Debbie Howser

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