This is a great time of year to dedicate our learning to the lives of many famous black americans. By…
Kindness should be given every day, not just during the holiday season. However, there are many opportunities during the holidays…
The assumed message, change over time brings natural refinement, is sometimes lampooned with an additional human character at the far…
A staggering 5 to 15 percent of Americans—14.5 to 43.5 million children and adults—have dyslexia. Dyslexia may also be referred…
Have you noticed the signs of Autumn popping up around you? Last week I saw my first “Pumpkin Spice Coffee”…
Technology is highly beneficial, and I am grateful for all that it offers as an educator and individual. However, as…
I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. As a young child, my older siblings and I would play “school”. However,…
This summer I reacquainted myself with the Global Development Goals agreed to by nearly every nation, including the United States,…
I recently concluded a summer semester online course for current educators called “Impact of Technology on Education.”
It is graduation season across the K-16 landscape! Whether you have already attended or will be at an upcoming ceremony,…