Teacher Survival

Falling in Love with Teaching…Again

Meredith Biesinger 

It’s February, and love is in the air, with Valentine’s Day just around the corner. Stores are full of candy and exploding with all things red, pink, and heart-shaped! 

Some people love Valentine’s Day, while others are indifferent or think it’s silly. Celebrate as you wish! 

As a teacher, it’s a joyful time in the classroom. Elementary teachers celebrate with parties, Valentine’s exchanges, and maybe a craft. While secondary teachers get to watch the older kiddos navigate hormones and romance and try to implement a love theme into a writing assignment or something along those lines. 

We all celebrate Valentine’s Day differently, just like we all celebrate love differently. 

Teachers love to teach. Teachers love their students. Many teachers don’t love what has happened in their profession and the demands and ongoing issues they have to deal with. 

This Valentine’s Day, challenge yourself to fall in love with teaching again. It’s not perfect, it never was, nor will it be, but once upon a time, you loved teaching…why?

Make a list. Write down every positive aspect that you love about teaching. 

Did you ever keep a journal? Go back to your early days of teaching and read the words you wrote, whether in a book or on a computer

Have a creative project in mind? Make a plan and put it into action. Pitch it to your administrator, and seek funding (if needed). Reignite your passion for teaching by teaching something you’re passionate about. 

Have some fun! Fun can get lost in the hustle and bustle of daily routines, paperwork, testing, IEPs, parent meetings, PLCs, and everything else you do in a day. Take some to intentionally have fun with your students. They will love it, and you will never regret it. 

Teaching is a profession of the heart, mind, and soul. It’s certainly not for everyone, but remember that it was for you at some point. 

Happy Valentine’s Day! 

“Teachers have three loves: love learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together.” ~Scott Hayden  Here at Educator Marketplace, we LOVE our teachers. Check out our exclusive deals that are just for you!

Check out the book:
“How to Love Teaching Again: Work Smarter, Beat Burnout, and Watch Your Students Thrive”

Debbie Howser

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