
Organize Your Classroom for The Summer

Teresa Marchant

Many teachers are down to the home stretch of the school year and are anxious to start their summer plans. However, it’s important to do it correctly now to prevent more time in the future fixing the mess you created. I hope you learn from my experiences, so you will have an easier transition when it’s “Back to School time.

First, don’t wait until the last minute to “stuff” your closet with your classroom. In past years, I had great intentions to start early, but it didn’t happen. What happened? It created a bigger headache for me in the fall. I recently discovered the OHIO (Only Handle It Once) method. It is  a game changer! If you must clear your classroom walls try these tips.

  • Cabinets and Folders help you utilize space for your files. You may also want to organize your online storage as well.
  • Shelving and containers are a great way to store items and they easily stack.
  • Coverings are helpful. They keep the items clean and secure. After you clean computers, consider covering them with bags.

Protip: a queen bed sheet fits over your classroom electronic board.

Next,everything! It’s possible that things from your room get moved over the summer.  Anything that moves should have your name and room number on it. Simply print them out and attach them to larger items in your room. Students could even help with this project.  One summer my entire building moved into another building. Surprising, there were very few “lost” items because of this little hack.

Protip: Label the back of electronics with multiple cords in case the cords get detached.

Lastly, have a plan in mind for next year! I’m getting to the point that I reuse my lesson plans.  I converted over to digital and have loved it!  This gives me time to plan over the summer (Yes, I know you do this, too). 

Protip: Make copies of your back to school letter now, so you are ready to hand out if you have any open house prior to school starting.

I hope you enjoy these last few weeks with your students and have a worry free summer!

Debbie Howser

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