By. Teresa Marchant
Students are consumers of information and need to learn to be critical thinkers. This is vital to their future success. Recently, I started independent research projects with my students. I have discovered that my students lack research skills which may have been due to Covid and school closures. Using the library for these projects has been helpful and I am reminded that in April we celebrate National Library week. This is a time when we acknowledge libraries and librarians and how they help students develop research and critical thinking skills.
First, researching isn’t just about googling an answer. Students need background knowledge which may require them to READ about their topic. Again, students need to read because researching isn’t just about skimming for information. I really wish it was called “READ” search instead of research because reading plays a key role in any research project.
Second, research takes time and effort. Each research session I introduce new references that they can and should use. However some students claim they just need “the internet”. Knowing how to evaluate websites is challenging because they think “Fake News” is real. With so much information online, you do not have to navigate this alone.
Next, librarians can help make these projects successful. We need to work collaboratively on these research projects for everyone’s sake! Librarians are the curators of resources in their schools. Librarians have expertise in selection of books and materials. These resources not only help students when they research, but teachers as they instruct in the classroom.
Lastly, collaborating with your school librarian can save you time and money. You don’t need to find and purchase materials out of your own pocket, if they are already owned by the school. Not sure where to turn? Just ask a librarian!
We shouldn’t wait until April to appreciate libraries and librarians. We need to celebrate every time we check out a book, use an article from the database, or utilize makerspace materials. We need librarians more than ever as we wade through misinformation and teach our students to be critical thinkers!