By. Meredith Biesinger
Love is a battlefield, right?
Not really, but it can be a busy day full of festive crafts and curriculum for elementary school teachers. Oh, and lets’ not forget about secondary teachers who are battling the inevitable raging hormones of middle and high school students!
It’s safe to say that Valentine’s Day for teachers is not the same day of romance and relaxation as it might be for other people.
As a teacher, your February 14th might look something like this:
Valentine Vibes
The sugar rush is real! Consuming boxes of sweethearts, heart-shaped lollipops, and festive treats have given your students a boost of energy!
The same goes for your older students! How can you expect to keep your student’s attention when red and pink carnations, candy grams, or stuffed animals from secret admirers could be delivered to your class at any time?
Glitter & Glue
Valentine’s Day bulletin boards, paper hearts hanging from the ceiling, mailboxes for your student’s valentines lined up around the classroom, and homemade Valentine crafts make the day extra special for your students. They appreciate it and you, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t get a little messy sometimes!
What Valentine’s Day Plans?
Speaking of the holiday of hearts, teachers have huge hearts! Educators are known to work long hours and often have a hard time not thinking about their student’s needs throughout the week. This year Valentines’ Day is on a Monday. Many teachers are celebrating with their classrooms on the Friday before the 14th (smart move), but either way, teaching can be exhausting, and party days are no exception!
While Valentine’s Day may be the day to celebrate love or a romantic relationship, your loved ones probably understand that after a full day of school, you might not want a candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant. Your idea of the perfect date night might be your favorite takeout and a relaxing night at home. Save the date for the weekend!
Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love, but we all know that teachers love their students every day!