By. Teresa Marchant
For those teaching summer school, this is for you! When others say that teachers have it easy because we have the summer off, they rarely see you or acknowledge your sacrifice! Summer School Teachers are the glue that connects students to future learning. Your dedication helps students to be successful next school year. You keep them engaged and learning during the summer. There are many reasons why you have chosen to teach in the summer months.
Pay. Ok let’s be honest. If your district is anything like mine, that carrot they dangle in front of us looks pretty good. Earning additional cash in the summer is fantastic and you understand the kids, routine, and expectations. Let’s be transparent, you know your colleagues have summer gigs as well so why not cash in on this opportunity.
You love what you do. Yes, we love what we do otherwise we would have found something else years ago. Teaching summer school can be a great way to help you develop skills in the area of behavior management or provide you with time to even test out new resources you may want to use in the fall.
Bored. I said it and I know I’m not alone. My kids have grown up and I need to discover new interests and hobbies, but if I sit around I feel lazy. By being a substitute for summer school it has given me something to do and put some extra money in my pocket.
Regardless of why you have chosen to teach summer school, I hope you get some time for you before you head back to school in the fall. Summer is there to give you time to renew and reflect so you are recharged for the next school year. Thanks for being there for our students and putting them first before long vacations or even yourself. You are seen, and you are appreciated!