Category Archives: Teacher Survival

Personal Self Care: A Teacher’s Summer Survival Kit

By. Meredith Biesinger Self-care. We hear this term a lot these days, and decidedly so,

Turkey Teacher

"Turkey Teacher" is a common fundraiser in elementary schools, where students bring in money to

An Educator’s Summer 

What do teachers really do during the summertime?  Meredith Biesinger  Sweet summertime! It feels like

Summer PD Ideas for Teachers: The “Summer Lab” Experience

Summer and school vacation have just begun! And although it will fly by quickly, this

Organize Your Classroom for The Summer

Many teachers are down to the home stretch of the school year and are anxious

Appreciate Yourself, and Plan a Summer of Intention

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week! This week is all about you and all that you do

Celebrate Teachers!

Teacher Appreciation Week is just around the corner. This is a treasured time, not because

Preparing for the End of the School Year

Students often ask me, “When does this class end?” to which I would answer, “Never.

How Are Your Students Doing? Really.

How are your students doing? I don’t mean academically, although that’s important. I mean…how are

Spring Break Ambitions

My spring break list was an ambitious one; and that’s a good thing! With my

Problem solving Technology for K-12 schools

"Wait! No internet? This was a crippling situation for our teachers and parents."

Falling in Love with Teaching…Again

Teachers love to teach. Teachers love their students. Many teachers don't love what has happened

Classroom’s Latest Technology

"Keeping up with the latest trends is a daunting task for teachers. I received my

Give your PC a Free Digital Clean!

Give your PC a Free Digital Clean! with Meredith Biesinger (Watch Video)

New Year Goals 2023

New Years Goals for 2023 with Meredith Biesinger (Watch Video)

The Goal for 2023: Engagement

It's the new year, and that means new goals for everyone. Student engagement is something educators constantly

This Goes Out to the January Student Teachers

"You can’t contain spontaneity. Kids will fall off their chairs and burst out singing at

Positive Relationships: The Keystone of Successful Education

Being back to in-person schooling has been a welcomed return to the way we teach

Merry & Bright

Kindness should be given every day, not just during the holiday season. However, there are


As a teacher, going to public places can be a challenge. When former students recognize

Finding Teaching and Learning Moments in The World Cup

The tournament is a wonderful metaphor for the professional lives we have as educators.  There

Turkey Teacher

"Turkey Teacher" is a common fundraiser in elementary schools, where students bring in money to

Lunch Bunch Buddies

This post is dedicated to my lunch buddies. I’ve eaten lunch with these colleagues for

The Evolution of Teachers

The assumed message, change over time brings natural refinement, is sometimes lampooned with an additional

Develop and Refine Your Communication Practices!

I am a big fan of clear, inclusive, and purposeful communication. It is a beautiful

In October, We Wear Pink

Several schools honor their teachers and loved ones who have fought this nasty disease by

Magic Words

I remember during my student teaching experience, my cooperating teacher suggested that I should find

Honoring Teachers Every Day

Don’t you love that feeling when a student, or a student’s parent, shows their gratitude?

Fall: Time for Change & Progress

The evenings are getting darker a little earlier, and the temperatures are cooling down just

Yes Day

Imagine if today were a “Yes Day”! What would happen if you said yes to

What Is Your Why

I’ve always wanted to be a teacher. As a young child, my older siblings and

Back to School: Tips for a Successful School Year

It’s that special time of the summer – back to school!  The excitement around the

Simplify and Succeed 

School starts this week in my neck of the woods. How can it be August

Money on your mind?

By. Teresa Marchant As we approach the dog days of summer, most of us are

How to beat “The Back to School Blues.”

Let's talk about something that often gets hushed or rarely discussed. I like to call

Here’s to you, Summer School teachers!

For those teaching summer school, this is for you! When others say that teachers have

A Summer Challenge, Just for Teachers!

June is quickly coming to an end, the 4th of July is right around the

Planning for Summer

You’ve made it! The school year is over, and now, give or take a few

Know Better and Do Better this Summer

I must say that it was a beautiful in my neck of the woods this

It’s The Final Count Down!

The last month of school is here—each year seems to go by faster and faster,

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!

It’s officially the first week of May, also Teacher Appreciation Week Educators are appreciated every

Flexible Seating

I often get on Pinterest and drool over home decor ideas, crafts, and classroom designs!

A Season of Change

A few verses from the famous song “Turn, Turn, Turn” by the classic rock band

Fun Test Prep Strategies

By. Meredith Biesinger It’s mid-April, and we all know what that means! It’s just about

IEP Season is Here

By. Meredith Biesinger With roughly eight weeks left of school, educators prepare for end-of-the-year assessments

Celebrating Teacher this Spring

By. Craig Perrier Across the nation, educators and students have been or soon will be

Springing Forward

By. Meredith Biesinger Spring has always inspired me. I love when there is more daylight, the

April Fools!

By. Teresa Marchant During my first year as an educator, I received a voicemail from

Spring Behavior

By. Teresa Marchant Spring is in the air! As teachers, we know this is the

We Are Lucky

By. Meredith Biesinger With St. Patrick’s Day just around the corner, there’s a lot of

The Ides of March

By. Meredith Biesinger For centuries, William Shakespeare has warned us to “Beware the Ides of

The Significance of Spring in Schools

By. Teresa Marchant In my school district, March 1st is a significant day. It is

Contributing to School Climate

By. Teresa Marchant Educators make important decisions every day. Teachers' decisions directly impact their classroom

Spring Break Is Around The Corner

By. Meredith Biesinger Many of us are about a month away from Spring Break, a

Beating the Winter Blues

By. Teresa Marchant The stretch between Winter break and Spring break seems like FOREVER! 

Teachers are Heroes and Humans

By. Meredith Biesinger Teachers are heroes, superheroes! But teachers are also human, a simple fact

Physical Education: Looking Good in and out of School

By. Craig Perrier Like many schools across the United States, the system I work for

Teaching With Joy and Care

By. Craig Perrier Do you remember these, or similar sayings, from past or (gasp) current

New Year, Better You!

By. Meredith Biesinger New Year's resolutions tend to fizzle out quickly, and with a hectic

Intervention Works!

By. Teresa Marchant Interventions are supposed to work!  However, if your students are still making

D is for Differentiation

By. Meredith Biesinger Happy New Year! It’s 2022, and you’re starting a new semester with

Dear Teachers, Don’t Quit!

By. Meredith Biesinger  The “Great Resignation” is a trendy topic right now, and it certainly

Putting the “Professional” Back into Professional Development

By. Teresa Marchant Over these past few years we have attended training sessions specific to

Winter Break Re-Charge

By. Craig Perrier Many readers of this blog will be familiar with the famous line

Preventing Teacher Burnout

By. Teresa Marchant We made it to winter break- a major milestone for this school

Happy & Healthy

By. Meredith Biesinger December and the winter months that follow tend to be challenging for

Merry & Mindful

By. Meredith Biesinger The holiday season is here! It’s easy to get wrapped up in

Life Outside of the Classroom

By. Craig Perrier As a student I always found it shocking to encounter one of

The Power of Play

By. Meredith Biesinger  The science of brain development is fascinating! Thanks to science, there is

Turkey & Teacher Evaluations

By. Meredith Biesinger November is a month where many of us look forward to sitting

Take the Vacation

By. Teresa Marchant I am writing this post while waiting to board my plane at

Do What’s Best for Teachers

By. Craig Perrier The title of this post is inspired by a lone principals’ message

Having an Attitude of Gratitude

By. Meredith Biesinger It's hard to believe that it's already November, isn't it?

The Many Hats of Teaching

By. Meredith Biesinger Do you remember the children's book "Go Dog Go?" It's a childhood

Parents + Teachers = Educational Partners

By. Teresa Marchant Parent Teacher Conferences are a good time to build relationships.

The Ed Tech Imperative – Keep it Going!

By. Craig Perrier There was a frequently used saying being used among educators during the

Fall into Learning

By. Meredith Biesinger The air is getting crisper, the leaves are changing, and maybe you've

A Teacher’s Heart

By. Meredith Biesinger There’s something to be said about an individual who chooses a profession

Class Community Building – Yes, it’s Important!

By. Craig Perrier Fostering community in a classroom, whether virtual or in-person, takes time and

Time, Clarity, and a Post-It Note!

By. Meredith Biesinger We talk a lot about organizing ourselves as educators, including the best

Don’t Count The Days, Make The Days Count

By. Teresa Marchant These last three weeks have been ROUGH to say the least. In

Challenge Accepted!

By. Meredith Biesinger Do you know those quotes of the day calendars? Well, I get

Self Care

By. Craig Perrier Planning vacations and your vacation time ultimately makes you a better educator.

The Gift of Growth

By. Teresa Marchant As my adult children headed off to college, I felt a need

Creativity is my Middle Name

By. Craig Perrier Teachers, in general, are a creative bunch of people.  By this I

Welcome to the Teacher’s Lounge!

By. Meredith Biesinger Ah, the teacher's lounge…a place of many personalities, teaching styles, and the

Balance In All Things

By. Teresa Marchant I’m excited to start this new school year, it’s like a blank

The Modern Day “Cart Teacher”

By. Meredith Biesinger When I was in high school (many years ago), we didn't have

Can You Judge a Teacher by their Mask?

By. Craig Perrier Depending on where you teach, wearing masks may be part of your

Virtual Field Trips and Guest Speakers – Thank you COVID

By. Craig Perrier I always admire teachers who take the extra time to set up

Back to School, and Back to Masks?

By. Teresa Marchant Every time I look at my newsfeed another article about masks pops

New School Year, New Covid Variant

By. Meredith Biesinger It seems like we were just getting over some of the Covid-19

Back To School: New Routines & New Worries

By. Teresa Marchant With so many unknowns, if you are like me, my stress level

Back to School: Keep on Growing During COVID 19

By. Craig Perrier Earlier this summer I was happy to be able to return to

Laughter Is The Best Medicine

By. Teresa Marchant If I don’t laugh, I think I might cry because education is

Personal Self Care is Professional Self Care: A Teacher’s Summer Survival Kit

By. Meredith Biesinger Self-care. We hear this term a lot these days, and decidedly so,

Let’s Get Organized!

By. Teresa Marchant I’m a librarian.  You would naturally assume I’m organized. My professional life

Self-Care Begins in the Class, Not Outside of It

By. Craig Perrier I will never forget what my mentor teachers told me during my

Teacher, Mom, and Summer Vacation: A Teacher’s Summer Survival Kit

By. Teresa Marchant I have always loved being a “Summer Mom!” During the school year

Curriculum Tips: A Teacher’s Summer Survival Kit

By. Meredith Biesinger For many teachers, curriculum planning is a fun and creative process. For

Summer Survival Kit: Self Care

By. Teresa Marchant Now that my children are grown, I feel like I am the

Summer Survival Tools: Curriculum That Teaches for Tomorrow

By. Craig Perrier Creating a meaningful course unit that includes valuable learning experiences

A Teacher’s Summer Survival Kit

By. Meredith Biesinger Believe it or not, summer is quickly passing us by!